Father’s Day 2021

Celebrating this guy today.

And gathering with family to also celebrate Dave’s birthday. (Missing Aunt Bri – Uncle Jason made a solo ling weekend trip this time.)

2021 Nissedalen fun 2021 – 1

Work and play day at the lake. Super hot temps meant the water felt extra refreshing today. Aunt Kristin took the kids tubing, I brought Grandma Lois to pick out flowers and then helped plant them, there was a group effort to blow up the water trampoline, and Jake and the boys helped install a new antenna.

Shecklet #4 asked me to take a few photos of just the two of us.

Blowing up the trampoline.

The Shecklets love their great grandma!

Jake grilled pork chops for us and tenderloin for Grandma Lois & Uncle Steve. His grilling post to FB was pretty funny: “In Nissedalen I like to be even though there is no charcoal. Made a little porkpourri.”

Finished tie dyed shirts

The colors are so much fun! We have extra dye, so I need to find some other ways to use up our supplies.

Update: 6/2/21 – the Shecklets dyed four more shirts last night. Here they are today.

Tie Dye Sunday night

Aunt Larissa always brings the fun. Tonight it was color. Lots of color. Can’t wait to see how everyone’s tie dye shirts turn out!

Indoor skydiving

As part of his birthday present, Aunt Larissa and Shecklet #2 went indoor skydiving. If anyone ever wants to try something adventurous and fun, there’s a great chance Shecklet #2 will be up for it.

First Communion – Shecklet #4

Today was a day that Shecklet #4 has been counting down to for several weeks! Her godparents came to town to witness her First Communion with us. We were also joined by Grandma Patti, Grandpa Dave, Great Grandma Lois, Aunt Kari, Aunt Larissa, and several friends. Our little girl is definitely loved!

In his homily, Fr. Jim asked the kids if any of them had thought about what they wanted to be when they grew up. (He was relating his question to the call the apostles had once Jesus ascended to Heaven.) Shecklet #4 volunteered her answer last. She said she wants to be a saint! This sweet girl has always had an extra special dose of compassion for others and deep feeling of God’s presence in her life. I look forward to continuing to watch her grow in her faith.

One of my friends was able to capture some beautiful pictures of Shecklet #4 receiving the Eucharist. And Jake recorded a video. After mass, we had an opportunity to take a photo with our pastor, Fr. Jim.

We continued our celebration with a reception at our house. Huge thanks to M&M for helping set out/prep the food for everyone after mass. And special thanks to Shecklet #1 for sharing his ice cream cake for dessert – it was a popular choice with our friends and family!

Congratulations, Shecklet #4! We are so happy for you! What a beautiful day!

May Day

It was a gorgeous day today – full of activities, family, and friends.

Shecklet #1 went north last night and has been working at Nissedalen – doing with manual labor. Grandma Patti has kept us in the loop by sending photos of their progress.

The girls had track meets this morning and did a great job! The weather was a million times better today than last week. It was so much fun seeing the encouragement the girls had for each other as well as the fans in the stands cheering for the kids as they ran towards the finish line.

After track, Shecklet #4 went to her Aunt Larissa’s for her birthday overnight. (The kids look forward to this opportunity every year!) One of their projects was a fairy garden 🧚‍♂️

Shecklets #3 and 2 hung out at home while Jake and I attended the First Communion mass of our goddaughter. It was so good to see her and her family! It had been about a year and a half since we last saw them in person.

On our way home, we picked up take-out from a local Mexican place. Delish! And so nice to not have to cook or clean up any dishes!

I had a nice call with one of my aunts this evening – we got caught up in life and tried to solve a few of the world’s problems in the process 😊

Today has been a great start to May!

Easter 2021

It was wonderful to be back in our church to celebrate Easter Sunday this year.

My MIL had her second knee replaced a week and a half ago, but she and my FIL were willing to let us bring food and gather at her house on Easter Sunday. Two of Jake’s sisters, a BIL, and the kids’ cousin, as well as our family friends, all joined us for the afternoon. The weather was amazing!

The kids hunted for eggs. Aunt Kari made things challenging for the older kids!


Shecklet #3 completed this Perler bead project with her Aunt Larissa. (It’s Waddles from Gravity Falls.)

On her own

Not a kid quote per se, but a quote from an aunt about a kid. Jake’s sister sent this to him via text earlier today:

“Before we left for Mom’s that night, [Shecklet #4] slept over. She went back inside right before we left. I didn’t know what she did, she didn’t say anything. She perfectly made the bed and folded up the extra blankets that were out on her bed :)”