Christmas Eve 2015

My parents joined us for Christmas Eve mass and dinner afterward.

2015 - 12 December 24 - Christmas Eve 2015 - 2

2015 - 12 December 24 - Christmas Eve 2015 - 1

Note to self for next year – arriving 30 minutes before mass starts is not advised if 8 people would like to sit in the same pew.  Thankfully, we were able to find 8 folding chair spots with unobstructed views.  The church was packed – which is an awesome thing!  So happy to see joy and excitement in people – especially in the faces of the little ones.

Lost teeth!

Shecklet #2 lost his two front teeth in a matter of days.  The first fell out while on an overnight camping trip with his Aunt Larissa and a couple of cousins.



And the second fell out while eating dinner.  He took a bite of his vegetables and realized that something WASN’T a veggie!  He spit out a tooth!


Math in the head

Shecklet #2 came home with a math worksheet today (3-digit addition problems) that had the following teacher comment on it: “Please show your work.”  His response to me (as I was reading the comment to myself) was, “I didn’t now we had to show our work, I just did the problem in my head.”  Love his confidence and ability to compute things in his little mind like that!

Off to camp!

Shecklet #1 and Shecklet #2 boarded the bus for YMCA day camp adventures this morning.  Shecklet #1 is going to archery camp (and will have other camp experiences, too,) while Shecklet #2 is going to regular day camp.  I’m excited to hear all about their day – especially since it’s been a rainy one today.  The weather for the rest of the week looks great!  Here’s hoping they have a ton of fun!


Friday night physics

Another Pinterest idea (from Frugal Fun 4 Boys) brought to life.  Jake thought it would be fun to paint the catapult boards, so he sprayed the girls’ pink and the boys’ green.  The kids stuck down grip tape so their shoes wouldn’t slide off when they stomped on the boards.  (Brilliant ideas by their dad, if I may say so myself!)  They all had a lot of fun figuring out where to place the fulcrum to get the best ball launch!

I originally pinned the idea to let the kids use the catapults as water balloon launchers, but tonight was a bit cool too get wet. They gladly settled for launching wiffle balls and playground balls.  Still tons of fun!

2015 - 06 June 05 - Friday Physics - Catapaults

Sunday Night Science

I’ve been pinning things to a “Fun for Kids” Pinterest board and was able to finally do one of the activities with the kids tonight.  Jake was the photographer, so I also have photo documentation of what we did.  We decided to try making slime. The kids all selected a glitter color and we made 4 batches.

2015 - 05 May 24 - Science Sunday Slime

Everyone thought it was one of the coolest things they’ve played with.  Even Shecklet #4 enjoyed it.  So much so, she broke out her hilarious giggle (that Jake was able to capture on video.)


Ninja Shecklets

The boys are off of school this week. In between mini study sessions we are doing things like this: 

Post-birthday/First Communion day

The whole family slept in this morning.  It was a treat to be able to get up and have a leisurely day around the house. Shecklet #1 assembled the weather station he received for his birthday.  Later, the 4 kiddos played with the saint dolls that a group of ladies (myself included) painted.  (They turned out pretty fantastic if I do say so myself!)

wpid-imag1964_burst003.jpg  wpid-imag1966_burst003.jpg