Little elf working hard

Shecklet #2 likes to peruse Pinterest for project, craft, game, and building ideas. He has asked for help gathering supplies to make all kinds of things. He has built Popsicle stick ninja stars and a homemade skeeball game; we’ve made slime and catapults and he taught himself how to tube-knit and made a bracelet and several necklaces. His latest project is one he pinned for Papa several months ago. He is so proud of it and can’t wait to give it to Papa at Christmas!

Christmas tree hunt

Jake took the kids to the Christmas tree farm where Grandma Patti is working for a few weekends this Advent. There was no snow, but plenty of mud! Aunt Kari captured these pictures and sent them to me.

The crew also stopped at a park after tree hunting. Turns out, Jake has a playground with his name on it!

Happy birthday to me

Another birthday, another year older. But I’m not counting. Just trying to enjoy the day, giving thanks for good health, family and friends to share experiences with, and looking forward to what’s in store for the coming year.

My MIL came up to spend some time with us and we had a chance to be outside enjoying the heavy, wet snow.

Jake donned his party shirt for dinner and cake tonight. Love how his guy loves loves me ❤️


The Shecklets and I went to the theater today to check out the Trolls movie. We got to the ticket counter only to discover I had left my wallet back at home. *Sigh*

So after returning home and having lunch, we drove back to the theater (with my wallet this time) and had the whole place almost to ourselves. Only two others came for the showing we were at. The movie soundtrack is a Shecklet favorite right now.

Thanksgiving visitors 2016

Thanks to the crazy contagious/illness fall we had, our KS friends stopped to visit a couple of times during their trip to MN in lieu of staying with us. We always pick right back up where we left off – not something every friendship is able to do. This crazy bunch of kids (plus one from another friend’s family) just keeps growing! Love how they all enjoy one another’s company – just like their parents do.

And of course, here is Shecklet #4 with her godparents.

1st snow of 2016

Heavy, wet snow fell yesterday afternoon and evening. Shecklets 1 & 2 helped me shovel the driveway and then played outside, built mini snowmen and wrote letters in the backyard snow. Then, this afternoon, Jake and the boys added white lights to the green and red lights on the pine tree in the backyard.

Halloween 2016

I took Shecklet #4 to the office to trick or treat and say hi to Papa. After that stop, we headed to the house to see Nana.

Three of the Shecklets wanted to go trick-or-treating this year. #2 decided to stay home, hand out candy, and count kids. It was a drizzly night, but everyone had fun. Shecklet #4 asked when she could go again 🎃

Mill City Museum

I went on a field trip with Shecklet #2 and his 3rd grade class today. We learned a lot about the old flour mill and the river that used to power it. Great field trip!

Watermelon surprise

All four Shecklets planted various seeds last spring and we had varying results. Strawberries didn’t make it, zinnias bloomed in late summer, carrots are TBD and watermelons grew vines, but we didn’t see any fruit. That is, until Jake went to pull out the plants. This is what he found:

They weren’t edible, (white inside, not pink) but it was exciting to find out that they did, in fact, grow!