Time with Michelle

Shecklet #2 spent the day with his godmother and her family today. For Xmas, Michelle gave him a coupon to spend the day doing Pinterest projects. In addition to the projects, they took the train to the MOA, went to the Children’s Museum and ate at A&W. Lots of awesome memories were made!

Student of the month!

This guy received the Student of the Month award for his class for the month of February. The character trait he was selected for was positive thoughts. I think he was both surprised and excited to be chosen by his teacher.


Little nephew’s baptism day

We gathered to celebrate our nephew’s baptism this evening. He was surrounded by lots of love at the church and didn’t make a peep when the pastor poured the cool water on his head.

I love this picture for two main reasons: one, we’re all looking different directions (at different cameras) and two, because of the sweet kiss my SIL is giving her son. ❤

February break

The Shecklets have been off of school since last Friday. Today we had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and then went bowling. Fun memories were made!

HBD Nana!

Our family gathered together for birthday dinner (Beef Wellington) to celebrate my mom’s birthday. The meal was amazing, as it is every year and it was great to be able to celebrate this wife/mom/nana who means so much to us 🎂

Xmas Eve 2016

Our Christmas Eve tradition of having my parents join us for mass and then soup supper continued another year. Shecklet #2 and I went to the church early enough to get enough pew space for us to sit in this year. (He selected our spot and sat on the end so he could see 🙂.)

After mass, we were able to get a few family photos, which are always so fun to look back on.

Tomorrow afternoon we will head to my parents’ house to celebrate with Tony and Kristin and their kids. It will be fun to have all of the Cimperman cousins together.