HBD JDS 2020 🎂

It’s Jake’s birthday today. The second family birthday we’re celebrating in quarantine-mode. He requested take-out from Ole Piper Inn and an ice cream cake. His sister, Larissa, was also able to join us. (The cake was part of my Walmart pick-up order and was slightly less than perfect, but it couldn’t beat his “Barthday” cake from several years ago.)

For presents, he told me the best one would be getting a text from me after my weekly midwife appointment telling him I heard the baby’s heartbeat. Thankfully the baby was more than happy to give him that gift.

Christmas Eve 2019

Over the hills and through St. Paul, to Grandma Patti and Grandpa Dave’s house we go!

This photo of Jake & Jason sums up the personalities of these two, perfectly.

Fun at Target

Two recent trips to Target were not complete without a stop in the Christmas section.

Shecklet #4 took a few calls from Santa and the elves. (I had to tell her which way to hold the phone – she wasn’t sure why it had a cord!)

The boys found themselves heading the wrong way down the chimney.

My “little” brother’s birthday

Tony’s wife, Kristin, planned a surprise birthday party for him this year.  We gathered a week earlier than his actual birthday and filled their townhouse with 11 adults, 8 kids, and 1 dog.  The kids had a blast decorating the place and practicing using their noise makers before Kristin’s brother brought Tony to the party.  We had homemade soup, an assortment of breads and fruit, and cake, cupcakes and ice cream for dessert.  It was a fun excuse to get the entire family together to celebrate my favorite brother!

Tony's surprise bday party 2014

Little #4 turns 1!

Happy 1st birthday to our Little #4!

My sweet girl, you have brought so much excitement and joy to our house since you arrived a year ago.  Even after witnessing it happen four times now, I cannot believe how much growth and development takes place during the first year.  Your grin of 8 teeth always brings a smile to my face and your now trademark scowl never fails to make me giggle.

#4 scowl smile

Music brings out your grooving side – you bounce up and down if you’re sitting and you shake side-to-side if you’re standing next to something.  You’re not quite interested in walking or running, but that’s ok with me – I’m not ready for you to be doing that quite yet either!  You have become quite skilled at crawling up the stairs though, so we definitely have to keep an eye on you – you’re fast!

#4 bday

Your siblings are both a source of entertainment for you as well as playmates and protectors.  They love you so much and would do anything to help you, keep you safe, and make you smile.  As your mom, I pray that the four of you will always remain close.  The bonds you already have at such a young age are incredibly precious.


Daddy and I love you very much and are extremely grateful that God chose us to be your parents.  May He bless you with many more happy birthdays!



#4 cupcake and present

Big little and little little

I was running errands tonight and Jake texted that this was going on at home:



Apparently our biggest little was very helpful tonight so Jake let him stay up a bit longer. When he asked Little #1 what he wanted to do, he told Jake he wanted to have Little #4 on the boppy pillow and he would build something for her. How sweet is that?!?