Birthday #4 part 2

We took the kids to the local indoor playground to celebrate Nolan’s birthday.  This was his request.  He and Lincoln had a pretty good time.  Afterward, we asked what the birthday boy wanted to eat for lunch and he decided on pancakes.  We headed over to IHOP and stuffed our tummys.  When we returned home, we let Nolan (with Lincoln’s help, of course) open his birthday presents.  It was a laid back, family-filled, fun day!

Nolan’s 4th birthday!

Today, our bigger little man turns 4!  I can hardly believe it!  I’ve already spent some time reflecting back on the events of the day he came into the world 4 years ago.  It was pretty crazy.  My water broke as I drove to work, I ended up driving myself to the hospital (something Jake made me promise would never happen again,) I couldn’t find the admitting desk at the hospital and the volunteer at the front door was no help, and Jake couldn’t find me for at least 45 minutes once I was settled in the evaluation area.  However, once we were situated in our hospital room and I had my epidural, everything else was smooth sailing.  Nolan arrived in the early evening and I was instantly in love.  But enough with the sappy reminiscing.  🙂

It’s been a fun 4 years, Nolan!  Your daddy and I love you so much and are so proud of who you are becoming!

Mother’s Day project

Nolan and Papa (my dad) have been going to Lowe’s nearly every other Saturday morning to complete a project.  He’s made everything from a jewelry holder (for Valentine’s Day), to a mini basketball hoop, baseball field, and kaleidoscope.  They really get to build some neat things!  Today’s project was for Mother’s Day.  It is a mini trellis.  The kids were also able to go to the Lowe’s garden center to pick out a plant and decorate the outside of the plastic pot.  The final project really turned out great!  And he is so proud of what he builds, which is even more cute to see 🙂

OTW – feeling crummy

My weekend actually started Thursday, if you count the weekend as the days I’ve felt less than 100%.  Not that I feel 100% a lot of the time, but I’d say it’s generally at least in the 90’s.  The last four days I’ve been down in the 25-30% range.  Not fun.  Thursday I started an on and off streak of migraines that have had me down for the count most of the weekend.  Friday morning I woke up in such pain that I called my mom to see if she could come over to wrangle the mini-men.  Thankfully, she was able to clear her schedule and come to my aid.  I was in bed (and in pain) until dinnertime.  My awesome mom not only handled the boys (play time, lunch time, nap time & dinner time) but she also helped me get started on the mountain of laundry that has been silently growing in my basement.  What a gift to me she was on Friday.

Unfortunately, the pain did not subside on Saturday and Jake was kind enough to pick up where my mom left off and took care of the boys, meals, etc. all day.  In the morning, he took Lincoln to the swimming pool while Papa & Nolan went to Lowe’s to build something together.  That something was a fantastic jewelry organizer!  Nolan was SO proud of his project – and rightfully so!  I love it!  And to make it even more perfect, Jake’s Valentine’s Day gift to me was a beautiful sapphire necklace, & earrings made by our family friend, Becky.  The boys rounded out their Saturday morning outing by stopping for lunch at Nana & Papa’s and a little cake decorating.  They boys had fun with all of the frosting and sprinkles (or crickets, as Nolan called them.)  After dinner, we enjoyed the finished products.  Yum!

Prayers before pizza

This morning as Jake was peering into the boys’ toy room, he overheard Nolan ask Lincoln if he wanted some pizza.  Lincoln responded emphatically with a “yes!”   The two proceeded to the “table” where they sat down by the pretend pizza.  Nolan then reminded Lincoln, “We need to say prayers first!”  They made the sign of the cross, Nolan recited the entire “Bless Us Oh Lord” prayer, and then reminded Lincoln to “make the sign of the cross again.”  Then they dug in.

Yet another moment that makes me smile and reminds me just how much the two of them are soaking in at this age.  I love that Nolan knows that prayers before meals (real or not) are an important part of thanking God for what He has given us.

The gass we pass

Tonight after prayers were said and little boys were snuggling in for the night, I laid my head down on Nolan and asked if I could use him as a pillow tonight.  He started wiggling around and I told him he makes a pretty uncomfortable pillow.  Just as I said that, a short puff of gas came out of his rear into my ear.  The kid totally farted on me.  We all instantly broke out in laughter.  I couldn’t believe what he did – and I don’t think he could either.  I shot up from my sleeping position and stood next to his bed.  He was still giggling uncontrollably.  I went over to give Lincoln a kiss and said, so are you going to fart on me now too?  His answer, “ya.”  Thankfully I don’t think he understood what I was asking (and didn’t follow through on his promise.)

Elements 1-10

Jake has been teaching Nolan the elements of the periodic table.  The little man has the first ten memorized.  Why not take advantage of his amazing memory, right?!?

OTW – friends, volleyball, and little helpers

Friday morning we ventured out into the below zero wind chill to spend a few hours at my friend Brooke’s house.  The four of our kiddos had fun playing with little people and cars, munching on Chex Mix, and eating sticky buns.  Good times!  I love it when we have a chance to hang out with friends.  It’s great for the kids to play with other kids and I welcome the conversation with another mom.  I came home refreshed.  Thanks, Brooke!

Jake and the boys hung out on Saturday while I played in a day-long volleyball tournament.  This particular tourney has become an annual event for me.  It’s my one non-stop (almost) day of being on the court and is a fantastic workout.  The only downside are the aftereffects.  My muscles scream at me for a couple of days, but eventually I recover 🙂  Good news is, we took second!  Not bad for a team that hasn’t played together as a group of 6 before Saturday morning.  During my absence, the boys apparently had fun using the containers on wheels from the toy room to store “stuff” and themselves.

After a full day on Saturday, Sunday was much more low-key.  After we returned home from mass, we had an early lunch, and Lincoln and I crashed.  Nolan and Jake ran a few errands and returned home with a new bird feeder.  Nolan was SO excited to show it to us from the living room window.  Jake hung it in one of the Linden trees out front.  It’s bright red, so you can’t miss it.  Now we just need bird visitors.  N & L decided they would “pick up” the toy room later in the day.  Lately this entails moving everything that was previously organized on one side of the room to the other.  Sunday’s migration of toys ended with everything being placed in front of the doors to the porch.  I walked into the toy room to check on my little helpers and found them sitting in chairs overlooking their accomplishment.  Too funny!

Mom’s birthday – the first of 2010

My mom celebrated the first family birthday of the new year.  Several years ago, my dad started a birthday dinner tradition to commemorate her special day.  He prepares his now famous, Beef Wellington, every January 3rd.  This year we had twice baked potatoes (made by Tony), julienne carrots, asparagus and chocolate vinegar cake for dessert.  I think everyone looks forward to this meal each year.  The boys were more interested in the veggies and cake, but I’m guessing if they’re anything like their dad and uncle, it won’t be long until they go back for 2nds from the main course.

It wouldn’t be a birthday without opening gifts.  The kids helped Nana find her presents inside the birthday bag.  I think they pulled everything out in less that 20 seconds.  🙂  My mom hardly had time to see what they pulled out before they grabbed something else.  After opening gifts, I tried to take a picture with Nana and all of the boys, but Nolan decided to pout.  (That’s him behind the railing in the green sweatshirt.)  To round out our visit to Nana & Papa’s the boys had to visit Taz & Gwen (Uncle Tony’s bearded dragon & gecko.)  They love going upstairs to say “hi” and feed the lizards.  It was an extra special treat to have Uncle Tony with them for tonight’s visit.

New Year, New Decade, Same great relatives!

We piled into my parents’ “giant marshmallow” as Nolan has started calling it (thanks, in part, to my mom :)) and pointed north to the Iron Range.  Our “normal” family gathering was pushed a week later due to the Christmas snowstorm.  It actually worked great for us, since we usually can only make my dad’s family’s celebration every other year.  Once again, my Aunt Ann, Uncle Gene & cousin Amy were exceptional hosts.  They always have an amazing spread!

My cousin Cory and his wife Renee brought their 3 kiddos from ND so Nolan and Lincoln had a few playmates.  I think the kids had a good time with one another.  We should try to get them together more often!