Friday night skiing

Not even two left mittens can stop this kid from a fun night out skiing with her dad at Trollhaugen.

Decisions, decisions!

Apparently she chose the black diamond, Jumping Judy, and went down several times! I imagine her dad is pretty proud of her!

3 year ANniversary

Three years ago I laid down on an operating table and put complete trust in my surgical team to remove the tumor pushing on my brain.

Today, I celebrated my 3rd ANniversary (AN=acoustic neuroma) on the slopes with my family, snowboarding for the first time post-op. (And first time in 11 years!)

Post-op life continues to be a blessing – in spite of many challenges that have taken place. (Not just surgery side-effects.) As a simple reminder note to myself: some of the things I still deal with are the same as what I faced immediately after surgery – SSD, sense of taste gone on half of my tongue, and my right eye doesn’t close as much as my left when I smile. Fatigue is still present and I take naps several days a week. I think a lot of it has to do with my brain filtering noise – tinnitus as well as household noise. I’m grateful to have a family that continues to understand that resting is something I simply need in order to have the energy to make it through the day.

A few individuals remembered this ANniversary and reached out to me this year. I’m grateful that they have done so. 01/23/2018 was a life-changing day for me and the support my family received leading up to it and after it will never be forgotten.

Little skier 🎿

The fourth Shecklet hit the slopes for the first time today!

The tow rope wasn’t of interest to her, so they stuck to the chairlifts. That meant they could explore more terrain than just the bunny hill.

Jake said the jumps call to her. Sounds like she’s following in her older brother’s (Shecklet #2’s) footsteps. Or maybe I should say, ski tracks ⛷

On the slopes ⛷ 🏂

Shecklet #2 went skiing for the third time in two weeks. Today, Shecklet #3 joined him and Jake, but instad of skiing, she chose to give snowboarding a try. She loved it! And unsurprisingly, made a friend while practicing on the bunny hill after her lesson.

Ready to ski 🎿

Shecklet #2 finally used a gift card from his birthday (from his aunt and uncle) to buy ski goggles. They arrived today. Now all he needs is snow. It’s December 1 and the ground is bare. 2020 continues to be the year that keeps on giving.

Another day at the lake

We’ve been fortunate enough to make several trips to Nissedalen this summer. Today is the second Saturday in a row that the kids have spent the majority of the day in their swimsuits being pulled behind a boat. They are at such a great age for having fun in the water and playing independently. (I spent most of the day watching them from the shore – in the shade.)

No photos of the day, just memories I’m keeping in my head. I hope the kids are able to do the same <3

Nissedalen – Day 5 – 2020

We had amazing weather all week. More tubing and skiing today. Shecklet #2 and our friend skied together, which was fun to watch!

After our friends headed for home – to recover from the week at the lake – we took the kids for dinner (A&W) and stopped at one of the local go-kart places. I predicted that Shecklet #2 would race the fastest and try to lap his siblings, Shecklet #3 would try to keep up with Shecklet #2, and Shecklet #1 would drive at his own pace, not affected by either #2 or #3. My prediction was correct. Shecklet #4 wasn’t interested in racing, so she gave the climbing wall a try.

Nissedalen – Day 1 – 2020

This was my view today.

I know I’ve taken similar pictures in the past, but I love this view so much. It is such a relaxing place to be, especially after the last six months. I’m grateful Jake’s grandma is willing to give us the opportunity to vacation here. This summer we were able to bring friends with us. The kids are having so much fun. And it’s only day 1!

Here’s my evening view.

A day at Nissedalen

Jake took a day off of work (but did get on two video calls) so we could spend the day at the lake. The kids had a blast hanging out with some of their cousins and visiting Great Grandma Lois.

Ready to ski ⛷🎿

The boys tried skiing for the first time back in December. (The middle schoolers went together on the last day before Christmas break.) Shecklet #2 decided he wants to ski instead of play basketball next year. Jake happened upon a great clearance sale yesterday, so we decided to outfit him now so he can get use out of the gear this season as well as next – happy early birthday Shecklet #2! (The boots actually adjust as his foot grows, so they should last a while.). Needless to say, he’s pretty excited!