Temporary fix

My driver’s side mirror was damaged and the whole mirror arm needs replacement. In order to find the exact product number, Jake had to remove the mirror glass. Unfortunately, the glass couldn’t be reinstalled while we waited for the new arm to be delivered. This is my temporary fix (a blind spot mirror) until the new one arrives and Jake can install it.

I can’t wait to be able to see using a real mirror again!

Never gonna give you up…

9.5 days of school left and counting…

I think we are all getting a little nutty as the distance learning school year draws to an end. This kid is always making us laugh 😆

Date night at the Depot…

Home Depot, that is.

This is what 18 1/2 years of marriage (21 years together) looks like on a random Wednesday night in May.

A stop at HD to look for Mother’s Day flowers for my MIL and then a stroll around the store with a stop at the patio furniture. Conversation without interruption is rare, so we’ll take advantage of it when we can.

Chicken Wing Beat

The Shecklets have been repeatedly playing song this on the Echo Dot and I can’t get it out of my head.

By color

Sorting perler beads.

With spring break on the horizon and the weather forecast not looking very pleasant, we went to Hobby Lobby two nights ago and stocked up on craft supplies – including a bin of Perler beads. Added to Shecklet #4’s bin from her bday, it amounts to 11,500 beads 😳. Don’t those colors make you happy?