Field trip!

As an end of the year outing, the preschool takes a trip to a local farm.  This year, I was able to go along as a chaperone. 🙂  We boarded the bus in the morning and headed beyond the city limits.  The great thing about the farm we visited was that we were the only group there.  Once we all de-bussed, the kids split into two groups – one went on the “trolley” ride behind the tractor first, the other went to look at the animals.  Then they switched.  The farm even had a huge fenced in play are for the kids to explore.  After the complete tour, everyone ate lunch and then we loaded onto the bus for the return trip home.

I think Nolan enjoyed himself.  He wasn’t too keen on trying to feed the animals by himself, but he did let me hold my hand under his so that the goats could eat the alfalfa pellets.  Not surprisingly, he liked the cats the best – probably because those were the animals he was most familiar with.  The trolley ride was a big hit with him too because we got to see the farm’s “pirate ship” that is open for play during the fall.  We may have to make a return trip later in the year…

Coloring for Easter

Nolan had a preschool assignment that entailed my writing about what makes him a “good egg” and then he was supposed to color the egg.  Since Lincoln always needs to do what his big brother is doing, I found an Easter picture for him to color too.

The week in review

Busy week, but I neglected to take many pictures.  Here’s the week in a nutshell:

Monday – No School for Nolan.  My good friend Michelle came over to watch the boys so I could run to an appointment.

Tuesday – Mardi Gras party at our church.  Pasta & hot dog buffet dinner along with crafts for the kids.  Nolan picked up a mask, fan & mardi gras beads.  He was all decked out!

Wednesday – back to school.  Lincoln and I made a much needed run to Sam’s Club to stock up on the basics.  It never ceases to amaze me just how much “the basics,” cost.  But then again, it will hopefully be a few months before I need to rest0ck what I just picked up.

Thursday – heard another good friend, Libby, speak at a women’s group at our church.  She is an amazing woman, who I am so thankful to call a friend.

Friday – met with a trainer to get my new heart rate monitor set up.  Here’s to making the most out of my workouts!

Saturday – Dinner with our friends Jess & Brandon.  The boys love going to their house.  And as parents, it’s so great to know when our boys show up, there are kid-friendly things for them to play with – and Jess & Brandon are right alongside playing, too!  Awesome 🙂

Sunday – Didn’t feel well today.  Lincoln had a rough night, so he thankfully slept in a little after being up for a good 2-3 hours in the middle of the night.  We all ended up taking a nap in the afternoon and watched the Olympics in the evening.  We even had a surprise short visit from our friend, Deacon Joseph.  It was a nice end to the day.

Box full of love

What preschool year would be complete without a Valentine’s Day card & candy exchange?  Nolan’s “homework” for the event was to decorate a box for his notes & treats.  I glued construction paper to a shoebox and let the boys sticker it up.  Lincoln, of course, had to lend a hand.

Sweet, sweet singing

I’m listening to my two little chatter bugs talk to each other in their room – they’re supposed to be sleeping.  Nolan’s saying the ABC’s and Lincoln is singing along with him.  The sweet sounds of their little voices melt my heart.  The two of them have become such good pals.  Even when they bicker or get upset or frustrated with one another, they are quick to forgive, forget, and move on.

As we were having an ice cream treat tonight after dinner, I realized how many of the pictures I take are of the boys eating something in their respective places at the table.  As an outsider looking in, one would think the world revolves around our dining space.  With two growing boys, that’s probably not too far from the truth.  🙂

Today was PJ day at preschool, so Nolan wore his Batman pajamas proudly all day.

Noodlin’ around

Nolan came home from preschool today with a pasta necklace.  He pulled it out of his school bag and wore it proudly at the table while I made lunch.  Lincoln immediately expressed his desire to have a necklace of his own.  So down to the basement we went to find some yarn.  I found a needle with a large enough eye to thread the yarn through and strung on a few pieces of ziti.  Talk about a quick fix for the jealousy that was hovering in the room.

Back on the wagon

Nolan went back to preschool today and Lincoln & I went to the gym for the first time this month.  I’m glad I haven’t been out of my exercise routine for TOO long.  I hope it doesn’t take much time to drop the few holiday bad habits I picked up during the last few weeks.

Since it is a new year, I figured it was finally time to say goodbye to the pumpkin that Nolan painted in preschool back in October.  I noticed it was becoming a little soft, so better to move it out of the house than find it in a less desirable state later, right?

Gym kindness and a Christmas program

When I went to pick the boys up from childcare at the gym this morning, the department head was holding a little boy as she scanned my membership card to check my kids out.  She told me the little guy in her arms had just been pushed down by his older brother in the gym.  My sweet Lincoln apparently went over to him, kissed his own hand and then patted the little boy’s back with that hand.  What a sweet gesture from my little guy!  It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Tonight was Nolan’s 1st preschool Christmas program.  Each class stood in the front of the church and sang two songs.  I think standing in front of the audience of parents, siblings, grandparents & friends was a bit overwhelming for a handful of the kids, including Nolan.  He stood quite nicely and looked out at everyone while most of his classmates sang.  At the end, when the audience applauded, he clapped excitedly too.  It was really cute!  Tonight, as Jake and I were getting the boys ready for bed, Nolan started singing one of the songs his class performed.  Maybe we’ll get a front row seat to a personal performance in the coming days.