Halloween 2016

I took Shecklet #4 to the office to trick or treat and say hi to Papa. After that stop, we headed to the house to see Nana.

Three of the Shecklets wanted to go trick-or-treating this year. #2 decided to stay home, hand out candy, and count kids. It was a drizzly night, but everyone had fun. Shecklet #4 asked when she could go again 🎃

Mill City Museum

I went on a field trip with Shecklet #2 and his 3rd grade class today. We learned a lot about the old flour mill and the river that used to power it. Great field trip!

Sunday Night Science

I’ve been pinning things to a “Fun for Kids” Pinterest board and was able to finally do one of the activities with the kids tonight.  Jake was the photographer, so I also have photo documentation of what we did.  We decided to try making slime. The kids all selected a glitter color and we made 4 batches.

2015 - 05 May 24 - Science Sunday Slime

Everyone thought it was one of the coolest things they’ve played with.  Even Shecklet #4 enjoyed it.  So much so, she broke out her hilarious giggle (that Jake was able to capture on video.)


Something’s missing


Little #3 finally let me pop out his third tooth! The permanent one has been pushing the top left baby tooth out of place for quite a while. It was time for it to go!

On a side note, it was one year ago that he lost his first tooth – the night before his school Christmas concert.  Funny how a year later we went through the same situation.

Halloween 2013

The 3 older Littles love playing with the dress up clothes/costumes in our basement.  It’s not surprising then, that the idea of collecting candy just for dressing up is sheer brilliance in their minds.  I’m pretty sure that the level of excitement doesn’t stem from the possibility of eating everything they bring home. They purely enjoy dressing up, greeting the neighbors, collecting, combining, and then sorting what they were so generously given.

This year, our Littles went as a mummy, baby dragon, cowgirl and a gnome.  It was so much fun seeing Little #2 wear the mummy costume that Uncle Tony wore as a kid.  Little #4, the dragon, was the third Shecklet to don the warm, fuzzy, green outfit. (Little #3 was too little her first Halloween and too big her second.)  We put a pink bow on her head to make her a “girl dragon.”  Our cowgirl was a superhero with her pink mask, and our garden gnome was grinning from ear to ear, but you couldn’t quite see it through his long, white beard.

three dragons

Trick-or-treating began after school when we stopped by “the loft” to visit Papa, Mr. Eric and Uncle Tony.  Auntie Kristin also came by and brought the kids a treat.  From there, we went to Nana & Papa’s house to run up the front sidewalk and ring the doorbell.  After a few group photos and adding non-edible treats to their buckets/bags, we loaded back up and drove home to get ready for round three in our neighborhood.

Two of our friends joined us for the fun.  The guys walked the kids door-to-door and the ladies took turns holding Little #4.  Little #3 joined us back home after making it around most of our block.  From what I was told, the boys made mad dashes between houses as they went around the rest of the neighborhood.  It was cool and slightly misty out tonight, so I’m sure running helped keep them at least a little warm.

Upon their return, Little #1 & Little #2 dumped their candy into one pile.  Little #3 didn’t want to be left out, so she added hers to the mix.  Then, being the organizers that they are, they set to work on sorting the candy by type.  Who knew that Halloween could double as math exercise?

Halloween 2013

We ended our nightly prayers by praying for the people who handed out candy tonight.  It was a great way to talk to the Littles about what generosity means and how we can in turn be generous to others – and not just when it comes to candy.  I love to see their little hearts so open to such a concept.

First sick day


Little #2 missed his first day of kindergarten today. (Not THE first day, it was actually day 10 for him.) He came home last night not feeling well and when I checked him later on, he was running a low grade temp. Poor kid. I hate when my littles are sick.