Before the rain 🌧

The Shecklets got a little fresh air before the rain set in. We’ve been cooped up inside for days. Or is it weeks? The days are all blending together lately. 😂

Summer vestibular therapy

I took the Shecklets on a bike ride (a.k.a. vestibular therapy) on this beautiful summer Saturday. (Next time we will take Jake with us. He went to his parents’ cabin to help with cleaning up from last week’s storm.)

Just like riding a bike

It’s been a while since I’ve written about my recovery.  I continue to make gradual improvements in areas that most people would never notice.  Things like balance and fatigue continue to be areas I hope will keep getting better – albeit slowly.  One major victory to celebrate today though, is that I rode my bike!  No balance problems, no major sensory issues (while riding,) and I was able to keep up with my 5-year-old who has become quite confident on her bike as well!  We rode two miles tonight – down to the “big park” and back.  Hooray for both of us!

Bike to the park

Jake got caught at work later than usual, so the kids and I hopped on our bikes and rode to a new park. I’m pretty sure Shecklet #4 would have enjoyed staying in the swing all evening.


Just a trio

Shecklet #1 is learning about golf this week, so for three hours every day, I only have three Shecklets. Today we decided to take a bike ride. The girls were cozy in the trailer while Shecklet #2 and I rode around for an hour. The weather was perfect – sunny with a slight breeze. We stopped mid-way for a water break and I captured these smiles 🙂
