As with almost everything else 2020, Halloween is a bit different this year. The Shecklets did different activities today. (We opted to skip door to door trick-or-treating this year.)
Shecklet #2 did this with his friend:
Shecklet #1 and Shecklet #3 did this with Grandma & Grandpa:
And Shecklet #4 went trunk or treating at our church. Kids typically dress up as a saint for our parish’s annual All Saints Day party. This year, all on her own, #4 said she wanted to be St. Philomena in honor of her baby sister. I may or may not have gotten a little misty-eyed when she told me her plan.
Science class project for Shecklet #2. It is fun to see the creativity that goes into the kids’ projects. The tasty thing about his cell is that he got to eat it – because it didn’t have to get transported to school. The four Shecklets had a piece for dessert tonight.
It wouldn’t be the start of the snowfall season without a photo of my son wearing flip flops and shorts to shovel the driveway so I could run an errand. Love this crazy kid!
Thanks to Covid and distance learning, I’m not sure if my kids will have “official” school pictures. So like so many other things this year, we did something different. No uniforms, outside, and fall colors.
With Shecklet #2’s right arm in a cast, he has needed a scribe for some of his homework. Tonight I helped him with science and geometry. I’ve enjoyed helping with both. It’s been fun to see how much I remember from taking those classes many moons ago.
Buckle fracture in Shecklet #2’s wrist was confirmed by the orthopedic doctor this morning. It’s the first broken bone any of the kids have had. 14 years is a pretty good run, I’d say!
The doctor gave #2 the option of a removable wrist brace or a cast. #2 chose a green cast. (I think that was a smart decision being that he’s such an active kid.) The cast matches the shirt he chose to wear today 😂
We took the Shecklets mountain biking at a state park near Crosby. We met Jake’s uncle there and split into two groups. Jake and his uncle rode with the three older Shecklets and I rode with Shecklet #4. After about two hours or riding, we headed to the skills park. They had a mini course for younger or newer riders and a more advanced one with different levels of skills, similar to what you’d find when you go skiing.
A short time later, our fun came to a stop and we had to detour to the ER. Shecklet #2 attempted a drop off, and he’ll tell you he “landed wrong.” Thankfully, Jake was with him and helped him get down off the course to where Helena and I were at. It didn’t take long to realize an emergency room visit was necessary – #2 couldn’t move his wrist, it was swelling, and he had a substantial gash on his elbow.
After cleaning out his wound (the area was numbed and he was given IV pain meds) they put his arm in a splint – including his elbow. We were told to have the wound looked at on Monday (Labor Day) and re-splinted until we could see an orthopedic doctor later in the week
My aunt and uncle sent us an electronic DQ gift card while were in the ER, which was a sweet surprise and delicious treat after such an eventful day.
Shecklet #2 created a little bug character (he’s in the upper left corner surrounded by black) a little year ago or so and has been drawing him ever since. He took his four page scene and expanded it over the summer. (He took this picture to show his art teacher.) He even let his siblings contribute a little bit. It’s really impressive up close!