Boys visit Nissedalen

Kari was in town this weekend (and it was her birthday) so being the wonderful brother he is 🙂 Jake so Jake loaded up the boys and headed north where she was visiting.  I didn’t feel up for the trek, so I opted to stay home and get a little (much needed) rest.  Judging from the pictures Jake took, everyone had a lot of fun.  Stacie and Larissa were also there, so there was no shortage of extra hands if Jake needed help corralling the kiddos.  And of course, no visit to the lake would be complete without some casting practice.  Forget actually fishing for fish, my kids just like to cast and reel the casting weight back in 🙂

Climbing high

At another visit to the local splash pad park, Shecklet #1 scaled the rope tower.  I was amazed that the little guy was so bold!  Really, it probably should surprise me that much.  He’s a monkey in the backyard on the swing set too.  But this thing is seriously high!  And then to top it off, he makes the whole thing move by holding on and bouncing on it!

While we were at the park, we also noticed an amazing sight in the sky – the sun was peeking through the clouds with “fingers” of light streaming through.  It was what I picture when I think of God reaching out from heaven.  So beautiful!

Moonsand mess

Nolan received moonsand as a gift from our neighbors a while ago and I pulled it out today for the boys to play with.  Note to self…next time, take the moonsand OUTSIDE to play with.  The kids LOVED the stuff, but man was it a mess to clean up!  I had to shake rugs, vacuum, and wipe down the table multiple times.  Nevertheless, watching the boys have fun was definitely worth the clean-up afterward.

Up North

We visited my extended family this weekend.  It is probably the last time we’ll get up their way until after the baby arrives.  The drive to get there is about my limit as far as the amount of time I can spend in a car at one time, at this point.

We got into town about 2pm and stopped at my Great Auntie Helen’s house (my grandma’s twin sister.)  It was really good to see her.  She hadn’t seen the boys in quite some time, so she was excited to have them visit.  She gave them animal crackers as we were leaving – they were thrilled!

Afterward, we went to my Uncle Ron & Aunt Judy’s house.  The boys were enthralled with the equipment my uncle has in his woodworking shop. They even lended a hand with cleaning up sawdust.  Give them a shovel and they’ll move just about anything for you!  Ron also took them outside in his yard to see his skid loader and they “played pool” in the basement.  It was nice to have them entertained while I chatted with my Aunt Judy and cousin, Jeana.

We went to mass at my Grandma Fran’s church and then went out to dinner with my Uncle Gene, Aunt Ann, and cousin, Amy.  After we ate, we all headed for the hotel pool.  Unfortunately it was freezing cold!  But Jake and Amy were brave enough to take the boys in.  I only set foot in the chilly water when Lincoln decided to slide off the edge into the shallow end without anyone there to catch him!  Talk about my heart skipping a beat!  For him though, it was all fun.  The experience didn’t frighten him in the least.  That kid is going to be put in swimming lessons as soon as we have him potty trained.  He has no fear of water, which is both good and bad.

Sunday morning we woke up and went to Ann & Gene’s house.  My parents arrived shortly before we left – they were part of a group of my Grandma & Great Aunt’s kids who were taking them out (in a limo) to celebrate their 93rd birthday.  (The limo was a surprise to them – I think they enjoyed themselves :))  Nolan wanted to check out the inside of the car, but Lincoln did not.

On our way out of town, we stopped at the Mineview to show the boys the biggest dump trucks they had ever seen.

We then loaded into our car and headed to Duluth for Jake’s cousin’s 30th birthday party.  When arrived at the party, the first thing the boys saw was the giant inflatable cake jumper in the backyard.  It was a definitely highlight of the party for the kids.  We spent a couple of hours at the celebration and then headed for home.  It was a quick trip up and back, but well worth it!

Household helper

Lincoln decided to give me a hand with the vacuuming today.  I don’t know what it is about this machine, but both boys love it.  It’s gotta be the fact that they can move it around and switch out the attachments.  That, and the fact that it has a retractable electrical cord.  It honestly is one of the best “toys” we have in the house.

Random Picnic

The boys love to have picnics.  We would have one every day if it was up to them.  Today, I took them to one of the nearby parks for play time and a picnic.  They donned their hats & sunglasses and dined on PB&J, grapes and cheese sticks.  Our lunches are pretty predictable.  As long as they enjoy them, right???


Just a couple of pics of Nolan playing goalie for his team.  Goalie is one of the favorite positions the kids play.  So much so, that they often ask Jake if they can be goalie when they first show up for the games 🙂

4th of July (on the 3rd)

We celebrated our Nation’s birthday a day early this year.  We took a few friends along with us to Jake’s parents’ cabin.  It was a fantastic day to be on the lake!  We arrived a little before lunch time and everyone headed for the water.  We had lunch and then went back for more water play.  At one point, the boat had a minor tow rope issue, so Jason, Jake & their dad had to take it to the boat launch to have a look.  While they were fixing the problem, Jake turned into a lobster.  You could see how red he was getting from across the lake!  (Needless to say, the next few days will probably be pretty painful for him!)

We ended the day with a few fireworks on the beach – the kids loved the sparkles.  On the drive home, the boys all crashed.  Not surprising, I know, since we had spent the entire day outside in the fresh air.  Still, the little sleepers always manage to bring a smile to my face – they are just so precious (and quiet) when they’re sleeping.

Play day with friends

We met our friends, at the park this morning.  The kids had a blast on the equipment, the super long slide into the woods, and the “adventure” walk we took.  The boys all had swords, compliments of one friend, while the other friend and I followed them through the “forest.”  Afterward we went back to our house for a pool party.  The kids went from the sandbox to the pool and back again until there was a small beach in the bottom of the pool 🙂  They also relaxed on the hammock for a little while.  It was a great way to spend a fun summer day.

Pool play

Jake is such a great dad.  I love that he gets right in the pool with the kids – despite how cold the water is!  The boys love it too.  He’s also doubles as their own personal jungle gym at times.