Run, boys, run!

Little Miss Ingrid and I went to a friend’s house tonight for a “ladies night.”  Just a little out of the house time with my favorite little girl, friends & conversation.  While we were there, Jake took the boys to the gym to run.  Yes, all 3 of them ran on the track…for a bit.  Apparently it was quite a sight and many who were also working out got a chuckle out of it.  It’s amazing the boys survived because they were incredibly distracted by all of the action and machines that are located in the center of the track.  Jake said that when they finished their 2nd lap, Lincoln requested that he and Nolan go to the childcare room so Jake could get his workout in on the treadmill.  Two laps was enough for him.  Not bad for little legs like theirs!  And when they got home, they crashed!  Yes!  This may be what we need to do to tire them out until they can resume their (almost) all-day adventures outside when the weather is warmer.

Thumb sucker

And so it is.  We have a thumb sucker.  The boys both took binks, so this is uncharted territory for us.  The one nice thing is, she can’t lose her thumb!  (Although in the future, we may wish she could :))

Bedtime conversation

When asked why he’s out of bed, Lincoln responded, “My bed is not comfy.”  (With a pouty face.)

Upon exiting his room a 2nd time, he responded, “I can’t go to sleep in my bed  b/c it smells like body surfers.”

Jake asked, “Where did you hear that?”

Lincoln, “I made it up.”


The boys frequently ask me to sing to them before they go to bed.  Starting this past summer, they have requested a “lug-a-bye” (spelled phonetically) in which I recap the days events to the tune of “Lullaby, and Good Night.”  I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite parts of the day.  I love that they get so excited to hear me sing to them, despite my ability to always stay on key.  I’ve gotten pretty creative with turning everyday activities into song lyrics, if I do say so myself!

“My girls”

Lincoln, Ingrid & I spent the morning with friends of ours and their kids.  It was a reunion of sorts of the mom’s group bible study I was a part of last year.  When we picked up Nolan after our get-together, he asked Lincoln who he played with at the gathering.  Lincoln replied nonchalantly, “With my girls.”  Too cute!

Surprise visit!

I looked out the front window this morning and saw a strange truck & trailer parked on the opposite side of the street from our driveway.  I strained my eyes to see who was driving and got confused when a man stepped out.  He pulled out a baby gift bag and instantly it came to me…my Uncle Ron!

I couldn’t believe my eyes.  He was driving home from doing a kitchen installation (he’s a woodworker) and stopped to surprise us on his way by.  He spent 5 hours at our house – holding Ingrid, talking to the boys.  It was great!  I don’t often get a chance to talk one-on-one with him in such a relaxed setting.  Our conversations generally take place at holiday gatherings, so we don’t get to really catch up.  I was so thankful for his visit today – he made my week!

Making muffins

A couple of preschool moms have been picking up and/or dropping Nolan off from preschool while we get adjusted to things at home.  I am so thankful for their generosity – it has made my life SO much easier these first few days at home alone with the kids.  Today, while Nolan was at school, Lincoln and I made muffins.  After putting them in the oven, he watched them to make sure they baked correctly.

Ingrid was pretty tired again, so she slept through the whole process. 🙂


Ingrid in the cradle

Here’s our cutie pie sleeping in the “Billy Ash” cradle that Papa made as a baby gift before Nolan was born.

All three kids have now been rocked to sleep in this fantastic piece.

Can you tell who is Lincoln and who is Nolan?

Zhu Zhu pets and haunted houses

The boys received big brother presents to open from Nana & Papa’s neighbors.  We are now the proud owners of 2 Zhu Zhu pets.  I had heard of these things, but had never seen them in action.  Who knew hamsters quacked and moo-ed???  The boys love them!

Later in the day, we broke out the construction paper and stickers and made haunted houses based on a picture of one in an I Spy book the boys received (also as a gift for being big brothers.)

1st trip to mass

We loaded up the crew and headed to our first mass as family of 5.

Ingrid was pretty worn out afterward, so she needed a nap – ha!