Student of the Month!

Shecklet #1 was given the student of the month award for December (awarded in January) for displaying the character trait, respect.  Here’s what his teacher had to say about why she chose him:

“When I think of a student that is always respectful, I think of this student.  Whether the activity is easy or hard, he respectfully raises his hand for help or asks someone quietly.  He is respectful of his friends, allowing all kids to play what he is playing.  He uses his manners with the staff at school and his classmates.  This kid is kin and caring here at school and that is why (Shecklet #1) has been named student of the month for the character trait of respect.  We are lucky to have you in our second grade class.  Thanks for being a great role model.”

Jake and I were able to attend the assembly to see him receive his award.  He was all smiles!wpid-imag1675_burst002_cover.jpg

Bartering Fair

Shecklet #2 has been learning about ancient Egypt at school.  The culmination of their Egyptian unit was a bartering fair.  The kids created Egyptian items in class that they used to barter with parents.  They each had a “keep” and “trade” pile in front of them.  I brought an assortment of trinkets, stickers & pencils to barter with.  Some kids were bartering pros – I’m guessing their parents really enjoy that at home!


After everyone finished trading items, the kids had a Egyptian-inspired snack (figs, pomegranate seeds, “mummy wraps,” grapes, apples and pitas.)


Outside with Grandma

Grandma Patti came to help us with the kids today so Jake and I could attend conferences at the boys’ school and run a couple of other errands sans the Shecklets.  They played outside for most of the morning and she captured these two great shots:

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Morning art

Little #1 and Little #2 have an art fair coming up at school next month. They decided they wanted to paint pictures with watercolor paints. They sketched their pictures and then painted. It is so fun to see their imaginations at work.

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Not to be left out, Little #3 had her turn with finger paints and water colors.

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Science guys



Science Fair at school today. The boys completed projects with their respective classes and presented their results. Little #1 will complete his own project next year, so we made sure to check out the older kids’ poster boards.

Little #2 built a clay boat and counted the number of pennies it held before it sank. Little #1 made hypotheses about what would happen to gummy bears placed in four different liquids – water, coffee, vinegar and OJ.

Bartering Fair


Little #1 has been learning about ancient Egypt at school for the last few weeks. The culmination of their unit was today’s bartering fair. The kids all dressed up as Egyptians and sat behind their desks with two colored pieces of paper labeled “keep” and “trade.” Parents wandered through the hall and were able to barter with the kids. Little #3 really enjoyed the task of bartering stickers for us.


Little #1 the gnome


Birthday costume party for a classmate of Little #1.  He had a blast!  Games, candy, dance party, cake & ice cream. Great way to spend a rainy October day!