Moving around

Ingrid has started cruising around her arena walls.  She’s been doing it for a week or so.  I can’t believe how fast the last year has gone.  I am sure having two very energetic boys in the house has helped speed time up.  Our Little Miss is doing her best to try to keep up with her brothers – she loves to crawl into the toy room to see what they’re doing, swing on the swing set when they play outside, and has even gotten over her dislike for grass to chase them when they run in the yard.

I’ve heard people say that when you add children to your family, your love doesn’t divide, it multiplies.  I know from experience, it’s true.  I love my three little ones more than I ever imagined possible.

Spelling words

Jake wrote on the back window of my suburban a few days ago and I hadn’t noticed.  Today he pointed it out, saying, “Ha, ha, your window says “poop machine.”  Ha, ha!”

Then he proceeded to ask Nolan how to spell, “poop.”  Before Nolan could even attempt to spell it, Lincoln chimed in, “S-H-E-C-K!”  Jake and I could hardly contain ourselves!

Bob & Larry

I took the kids to the local Christian bookstore this morning to see Larry & Bob from the VeggieTales.  Nolan was the only one interested in having his photo taken with the over-sized vegetables.  Lincoln preferred to keep his distance and Ingrid was too interested in looking around at all of the things she could attempt to pull off the shelves to really care.

Little Miss turns ONE!

Dear Ingrid,

Where did the last year go?  You have become the sweetest crawling (& almost) toddling little girl who loves to explore, loves her brothers, and clearly loves cake!  (Just like her mama :))  What fun we had celebrating your first birthday today!  Both sets of grandparents and one set of great-grandparents joined your family & friends to wish you happy birthday.

I am so thankful for the photos we took of you throughout the year.  I can hardly believe how small (and yet, big) you were when you were born.  You still love to snuggle before you take a nap or go to sleep at night, so I try to soak that up as much as possible.  Your bright blue eyes and toothy grin make everyone around you smile.  Nolan and Lincoln love you to pieces and are extremely protective of you.  They each know how to make you laugh and stop the tears from falling from your eyes.  Many times, Nolan has come into our room and sat by your crib in the early morning when he has heard you fussing.  You immediately stop and your sobs turn to giggles.  Lincoln only has to look at you and you’re charmed.  He’s the one who always makes sure you’re returned to your daddy’s arms or mine when someone else is holding you.  He will never let you go home with anyone other than your family.  You call your brothers, “buh-buhs.”  It is the cutest thing!

I pray the coming year if full of new adventures, lots of love, and tons of hugs and kisses.

We love you, Little Miss!


Mommy & Daddy

First day of fall

The kids and I stopped at the park on the way home from picking Nolan up from preschool this afternoon.  The air was crisp and the sun was shining – it was a beautiful fall afternoon.

Kemps…it’s not just the cows

Tonight’s bedtime conversation with Lincoln went like this:

“Mommy, did you know that cows make milk for people to drink?”  To which I responded, “Yes, I did.”

“Mommy, did you know that Joe Mauer helps make the milk?”  Ummmm….thank you, Kemps, for the brilliant marketing. 🙂

1st Day of School 2011

The boys are going to preschool in the afternoon this year.  Nolan will go every day and Lincoln on Mondays & Wednesdays.  I’m still trying to get my head around what that is going to be like.  My house has been full of noise and hustle & bustle for so many years that it really will be strange to have complete quiet for 2 1/2 hours, 2 days a week.  (Little miss will be napping while her brothers are at school.)

Our day began with our 1st day of school breakfast…orange rolls & scrambled eggs. I’m not sure what Lincoln is doing here in the photo…

After eating, we had a few last minute (seriously, last minute) things to accomplish before the 1pm preschool start.  First stop was CVS for 1 hour prints to complete the boys’ “Spotlight on me” sheets.  While our photos were being processed, we began the great backpack search.  Lincoln requested a Transformers backpack.  We looked for one last week only to find that the entire backpack wall display at Target was empty.  I couldn’t believe it.  Completely bare.  That’ll teach me to leave backpack shopping until the week before class starts.)  This morning, Toys R Us came to the rescue.  We walked in and there it was…the last Bumblebee Transformers backpack.  And it was clearance priced!  For once, it payed to procrastinate.  With backpack in hand, we spent time wandering the store (to kill time before our photo pick-up.)  The boys had fun going up and down the aisles and trying out the toy displays.  We could have stayed in the train aisle all morning.

We picked up our 4 pictures and headed home for lunch.  Then, with full bellies, we put on new school shoes and went outside for the “1st day” pictures on the steps.


I love these guys so much!  They make me laugh multiple times every day.

Lincoln wanted to pose next to Ingrid before we loaded into the truck.


We arrived at school and took one more “1st” picture.  It’s going to be a great year!

P.S. Look how much these two have grown from last year’s 1st day!


My new comeback

I was shopping with the kids tonight, (the boys in the big kid part of the cart and Little Miss was in the Bjorn kicking her legs,) when we rounded a corner and crossed the path of the sweetest lady. Typically random strangers will see me and say, “You’ve got your hands full!” Instead this woman said to me, “You’re surrounded by love!” She made my night…and gave me a new comeback.

It’s not goodbye

We said “bon voyage” to our friends, Brad & Libby, and their kids tonight.  After 8 years of living  just a couple of miles south of us, we’ll be increasing the distance between our homes by several hundred.