Bracelet maker

Shecklet #3 broke open the bracelet making kit she received from Uncle Tony, Auntie Kristin and her little cousin(s). The neighbor boy saw the finished product and asked her if she would make one for him 🙂

Jumping around

We met Aunt Kari at an indoor jump and play place. Shecklet #3 isn’t in the photo because she was off making new friends 🙂

Blue for a boy!

My brother and sister-in-law and niece are adding a new baby to their family this fall! We found out what they are having after biting into cupcakes at the splash pad today.

Valleyfair 2016

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Patti took us to Valleyfair as part of Grandpa Dave’s work outing. Shecklet #2 couldn’t get enough of the Corkscrew – he and Jake went on it 4 times in a row! It was a hot day, so we tried out Thunder Canyon (minus Shecklet #4 because she wasn’t tall enough.)


Xmas in MG 2015

Lots of laughs and fun memories made today.  It was our niece’s first Xmas, which made it even more special.

Shecklet #4 received pink “sheeters” just like Nana.  Her big sister also received a purple pair.  Papa had to work hard to get the lenses out of the frames!  The girls had a lot of fun helping everyone else open their gifts. And the boys waited very patiently as we took turns pulling surprises out of our gift bags.

2015 - 12 December 31 - 2015 Cimp Xmas on 1-1-161

2015 - 12 December 31 - 2015 Cimp Xmas on 1-1-162

2015 - 12 December 31 - 2015 Cimp Xmas on 1-1-163

Lost teeth!

Shecklet #2 lost his two front teeth in a matter of days.  The first fell out while on an overnight camping trip with his Aunt Larissa and a couple of cousins.



And the second fell out while eating dinner.  He took a bite of his vegetables and realized that something WASN’T a veggie!  He spit out a tooth!


Overnight with T&K

Uncle Tony and Auntie Kristin invited Shecklet #1 over to spend the night at their house as part of his birthday present. From the looks of the photos that Kristin sent, he had an awesome time!  They took him to Toys R Us where he selected a LEGO set, they played at the park, took Teddy (their dog) for a walk as well as played with him, made homemade pizza, and got to open an enormous art kit present from Kristin’s mom.  (She is always so sweet to think of my kids!)

2015 - 05 May 23 - N overnight with T&K

Gymnastics at Grandma’s

During a visit to Grandma & Grandpa’s house, Shecklet #3 discovered her Auntie Stacie’s old gymnastics outfits.  She had so much fun making costume changes and doing “gymnastics moves” on the gym mat that Grandma Patti laid out in the family room.


Pink or Blue?

My brother and sister-in-law recently shared the exciting news that they are having a baby!  The new addition is slated to arrive in late July.  They had an ultrasound this week and found out if it is a girl or boy.  Keeping us in suspense a few days, they made a special trip to our house this afternoon to share cupcakes with us.  Topped with yellow frosting, we had to bite in to the middle to discover whether the filling was pink or blue.  Shecklet #2 was the first to make the discovery – PINK!  Shortly after Shecklet #2 reported what he found, Shecklet #3 piped in and said, “I hope mine is pink too!”  Lucky for her, it was 🙂

Christmas #3

Christmas at my parents’ house was lovely…tasty food, fun with family, laughter and surprises…

2014 - 12 December 25 - Xmas in MG1

2014 - 12 December 25 - Xmas in MG2

…until about 8:30, when we discovered that our dog, Cooper, was not feeling well. We quickly discovered that he had found a stash of chocolate somewhere in the house…enough to fill this tin:


After speaking with the after-hours emergency vet, we decided that we needed to bring him in. Since we had only driven one car to my parents’ house, my dad offered to take Cooper and me to the vet so Jake and the kids could stay and finish desert.

I’ll spare the details, but suffice it to say, we left two hours later with a dog with an empty stomach who, though he was shaking due to the caffeine in the chocolate, was going to be ok.  Christmas 2014…one for the memory books!