The boys are going to preschool in the afternoon this year. Nolan will go every day and Lincoln on Mondays & Wednesdays. I’m still trying to get my head around what that is going to be like. My house has been full of noise and hustle & bustle for so many years that it really will be strange to have complete quiet for 2 1/2 hours, 2 days a week. (Little miss will be napping while her brothers are at school.)
Our day began with our 1st day of school breakfast…orange rolls & scrambled eggs. I’m not sure what Lincoln is doing here in the photo…

After eating, we had a few last minute (seriously, last minute) things to accomplish before the 1pm preschool start. First stop was CVS for 1 hour prints to complete the boys’ “Spotlight on me” sheets. While our photos were being processed, we began the great backpack search. Lincoln requested a Transformers backpack. We looked for one last week only to find that the entire backpack wall display at Target was empty. I couldn’t believe it. Completely bare. That’ll teach me to leave backpack shopping until the week before class starts.) This morning, Toys R Us came to the rescue. We walked in and there it was…the last Bumblebee Transformers backpack. And it was clearance priced! For once, it payed to procrastinate. With backpack in hand, we spent time wandering the store (to kill time before our photo pick-up.) The boys had fun going up and down the aisles and trying out the toy displays. We could have stayed in the train aisle all morning.
We picked up our 4 pictures and headed home for lunch. Then, with full bellies, we put on new school shoes and went outside for the “1st day” pictures on the steps.

I love these guys so much! They make me laugh multiple times every day.

Lincoln wanted to pose next to Ingrid before we loaded into the truck.

We arrived at school and took one more “1st” picture. It’s going to be a great year!

P.S. Look how much these two have grown from last year’s 1st day!